If you have a claim to report, you can take advantage of the insurance carriers’ 24/7 Claim Support Service to report a claim directly to the insurance company claim department or you may contact Detwiler-Brofford Insurance.
By reporting your loss directly to the insurance company, they can begin to handle all aspects of your claim and get you the help you need when it matters most.
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For glass claims with Erie Insurance, please call: (800) 552-3743
For glass claims with State Auto, please follow this link: https://submit.glassclaim.com/SelfService/Default.aspx?ClientTag=55E64CE5-9F01-4523-BAE1-98DDD1DBCF6F
For glass claims with Auto Owner’s, please follow this link: https://www.aoins.com/V5/CommonWebServiceProvider/PRPCRouterServlet?ActivityCode=ClaimAdmin&Process=FNOL&AgencyCode=03053700&SelectedAction=glass